Bobby Walker of Cosmic Talkes in Tahlequah, Oklahoma saw Donald Riordan's comments on Marvel subscription ads (see 'Donald Riordan of Future Dreams on Marvel Sub Ads') and sent us his response:


I am writing in response to Donald Riordan's take on Marvel subscription ads.  While I agree with him about the principle of Marvel's actions, I have also heard extensively from my customers on this subject.  In our town there hasn't been a comic book shop for several years, and I've done well thus far since I've opened in February. 


Roughly half of my regular customers had purchased comic subscriptions through the mail from Marvel, with no DC subscribers that I am aware of.  And to a person they have all given me the same statement.  'When my subscription is over, I'm getting my comic books from here.'  Their biggest complaint was by and far the post office.  Their titles would come bent in half, or folded length-wise.  Most of them have taken to buying additional copies of titles they already buy from me just so they will have a collectible issue.


I believe what this industry needs is some kind of policy from the publishers that will establish a minimum advertised price, something akin to what WizKids has done.  And that minimum advertised price should be a number that allows all retailers to earn an equal amount of profit from the comic books that we sell.  If we do this, then we all benefit, and our customer service and not our prices will reflect our success as retailers.  Not that I ever expect to see this happen.


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