AMIGO Games revealed the English edition of Pick-a-Pepper, a hot sauce-themed card game by Wolfgang Kramer and Christian Stohr, which will be headed to retail later in 2023.
This games was previously released in a German edition, entitled Sauscharf, in 2022. It is a set collection game features a spicy hot sauce theme and whimsical artwork. In this game, players to collect a bunch of different chili pepper cards. They use the pepper cards to create sets that form various hot sauces. The spicier the sauces get, the more points players earn.
This game is for two to four players, ages 10 and up, and plays in 30 minutes.
Zauberberg, published as Magic Mountain in the U.S. by AMIGO, won the 2022 Kinderspiel des Jahres (see "'Zauberberg' Wins Kinderspiel des Jahres").
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Hot Sauce-themed Card Game by Wolfgang Kramer and Christian Stohr
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on May 1, 2023 @ 7:16 am CT