Catalyst Game Labs will release two Shadowrun: Edge Zone decks into retail on August 23, 2023.
The Magic Deck and the Mayhem Deck contain revised rules for Shadowrun: Edge Zone, the Sixth World upgradable card game. These decks feature new artwork as well as a new design, and come with enough cards to get two players started ont he game. The Magic Deck comes with cards that revolve around spellcasting, adepts, and other magic elements. The Mayhem Deck helps players load up a team of runners to tackle a mission or two.
IMAGE_3}Each deck will retail for $39.99.
Catalyst Game Labs will also release Shoot Straight, a new sourcebook for Shadowrun RPG, into retail (see "'Shadowrun RPG'").

'Magic Deck' and 'Mayhem Deck'
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on August 1, 2023 @ 7:33 am CT