The Valiant Smashers set focuses on three themes for the Yu-Gi-Oh! game. The first explores the relics of the netheworld of Mementolan, with armies of monsters and the ability to summon Tecuhtlica, a 5000-ATK Level 11 boss monster. The second revolves around a magic mecha warbot, based on trap cards and combo attacks as well as a Level 12 Synchro Monster. Rounding out the set a Pendulum & Link cards that offer players choices between light and dark themed effects.
Valiant Smashers will have a total of 60 cards with the following rarities: 10 Ultra Rares, 15 Super Rares, and 25 Rares. There will also be 15 cards available as Collector’s Rares and 3 as Quarter Century Secret Rares. The set will be available in seven-card booster packs that include one foil card and six Rare cards each.
Konami held the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2023 earlier this month (see “Konami Crowns ‘Yu-Gi-Oh!’ World Champions”).