The release of the manga Okinawa, by Susumu Higa, was delayed by a month because the China-based printer wanted to delete all references to Taiwan in an interview with the creator that was included in the book. The printer also wanted to remove references to China’s actions during World War II. In an e-mail from Mangasplaining, which is co-publishing the book with Fantagraphics Books (see “‘Mangasplaining’ Podcast Launches Manga Licensing Program”), Christopher Woodrow-Butcher explained that the publishing team opted to go with another printer rather than delete the material. This delayed the planned release of the book from July to August, meaning it was not available at San Diego Comic-Con. The book will be released on August 22.
This is not the first time a Chinese printer has objected to content in a non-Chinese book; the Financial Times reported on two different cases in which British publishers removed material from books so that they could be printed in China, where costs are lower.

Chinese Printer Wanted Mentions of Taiwan to Be Removed
Posted by Brigid Alverson on August 16, 2023 @ 12:19 pm CT