In Eila and Something Shiny, an innocent rabbit embarks upon an adventure that changes their life forever. This game is story-driven where a player or players can take on the role of Eila. They will solve puzzles, manage resources, and overcome a series of challenges. The game will take players through perilous mazes and snowy highlands as they play through a five-chapter story that is depicted with stunning artwork and illustrated comics.
The game box comes with a game board, a card stand, an Eila token, 2 combat dice, a notepad, 6 goal cards, 32 item cards, 14 support cards, 7 Habit cards, 300+ Event cards, 120 Resource tokens, 17 comics, and a rulebook. It is for one or more players, ages 12 and up; plays in 30 to 45 minutes; and retails for $64.99.