Genio Cards has announced a collectible card game (CCG) based on the popular science fiction TV property, Stargate SG-1. The Stargate SG-1 CCG will be issued in the traditional format of theme decks and booster packs, with the first series currently scheduled for a spring 2005 release. A Genio spokesman told ICv2 that at this point only art from the various initial Stargate series was available, but that the company hoped to be able to include art from the Stargate Atlantis series in the future. Stay tuned for more details on pricing and content of first series becomes available.
With the Star Trek property barely holding on to its network slot (Enterprise was moved into a less than desirable weekend slot for 2005), Stargate's success on cable (see 'Stargate Atlantis Greenlit') gives the show's partisans some ammunition to back up their claim that Stargate is now the preeminent TV science fiction franchise. Certainly there is a devoted audience out there for Stargate merchandise, judging by the success of Alderac's Stargate RPG (see 'Alderac Continues Stargate SG-1 Series').