Force of Will, Inc. announced Masterpiece "Pilgrim Memories," a new booster set for Force of Will TCG, which will hit retail on January 24, 2024.
This booster set is inspired by the game's Grimm Cluster. It contains 20 Rulers found in four different sets, and features three new support cards for each of these Rulers. The set also contains reprints of popular cards, and reintroduces Uber Rares.
The set rarity breakdown is as follows: 49 kinds of Normal cards, 44 kinds of Rare cards, 32 kinds of super rare cards, 18 kinds of Marvel Rare cards, a Marvel Rare/J-Ruler card, a Ruler cards, 24 kinds of Ruler/J-Ruler cards, 5 kinds of Sub Ruler cards, 6 kinds of Extension Rule cards, 5 kinds of Uber Rare cards, 3 kinds of Secret Rare cards, and one Secret Uber card. Each pack contains 8 cards and boxes come with 36 packs.
Force of Will, Inc. recently released Clash of the Star Trees (see "'Clash of the Star Trees'").

Booster Set Inspired by the Grimm Cluster
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on November 7, 2023 @ 11:33 am CT