The first print volume of Red Hood: Outlaws is due March 5, 2024. The webtoon, written by Patrick R. Young with art by Nico Bascuñán, Javier Rodríguez Véjares, and Sebastián Franchini, features the “Dark Trinity” of Jason Todd (the Red Hood), the Amazon Artemis Grace, and Bizarro. The cover is by Vasco Georgiev, and the book is a 6" x 9” 208-page softcover priced at $14.99.
Volume One collects the first ten episodes of the series that first appeared on WEBTOON, out of a total of 56. Red Hood: Outlaws is one of four DC comic series on WEBTOON (see “Katie Kubert on DC’s Webtoon Program”) and the last to come to print. The other three — Batman: Wayne Family Adventures,Vixen: NYC, and Zatanna & the Ripper — had print editions released earlier this year (see “DC Webtoons Coming to Print”).
The premise of the series is that the three characters, feeling like second best to their more famous counterparts of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman, form the Outlaws, heroes for hire. They wind up in trouble with the Justice League after obtaining an idol from Dinosaur Island.
Volume One Coming 2024
Posted by Johanna Draper Carlson on November 13, 2023 @ 12:09 pm CT