Bandai unleashed Secret Crisis, a new Digimon CG booster set, which will hit retail on August 9, 2024.
The new set features the partner Digimon of the main characters from the Digimon movies in ACE Digimon form. It also includes new enemy Digimon as well as famous Tamers and Digimon main characters from each movie. Rhythm and Menoa Bellucci both make an appearance in the set, and this set also introduces a special win condition card.
There are 106 types of cards in this set. The rarity breakdown for the set is as follows: 40 commons, 26 uncommons, 22 rares, 12 super rares, and 2 secret rares. Additionally, booster displays include three box topper cards.
Bandai also revealed Digimon CG: Infernal Ascension (see "'Digimon CG: Infernal Ascension'").
'Secret Crisis'
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on January 18, 2024 @ 7:58 am CT