Devir Games will release Salton Sea, a new worker placement game, into retail on February 5, 2024.
In Salton Sea, designed by David Bernal and illustrated by Amelia Sales, players head to the Salton Sea, in southern California, to extract the steam and hot water to obtain lithium, which is used in many renewable energy technologies. Players take charge of geothermal lithium extraction companies looking to lead the world's energy transition by acquiring and processing this raw material (thereby gaining points). Each turn they place one of four engineers on various action spaces that allow them to take industrial actions, commercial actions, or management actions. As the game goes on, they will gear these placements towards a strategic route to victory in an attempt to become the top lithium company.
This game is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 120 minutes. It will retail for $39.99.
Devir Games also recently reprinted 3 Ring Circus (see "'3 Ring Circus'").

New Worker Placement Game by Devir Games
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on January 22, 2024 @ 8:05 am CT