Jerry Wall of Atomic Comics in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma saw the notice that voting is now open for retailers to choose the date for Free Comic Book Day 2005, and feels that May should be the date:


Maggie Thompson is 100% right in stating that FCBD can stand on it's own in May.  What's more is -- it should!  I feel that establishing FCBD as an annual holiday and declaring its independence from the two big publishers is critical to the long term success of the event.  Moving the date each year creates confusion for customers and weakens the event.  In coming years, if the only comic movie is in November, are we going to move the event then?  When does it end?


Tying FCBD to a major movie release does not create the major media coverage that people feel it does.  If anything, it takes away the opportunity for stores to receive additional exposure.  With FCBD in May and Batman Begins in June, comic retailers would have two weekends to tie events around.  Combined, we only have one.  In addition, a FCBD held while school is still in creates a much larger event, makes promotion easier, and helps kick off a strong summer!


I encourage all retailers to vote for the May event.  To that end a website has been placed at to encourage a yearly event held the same time EVERY year.  I encourage interested retailers to visit, and make their voices heard.


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