Viz, LLC is supporting the launch of its feature film, InuYasha: Affections Touching Across Time, with a series of television spots set to air on MTV, MTV2, G4/TechTV, FUSE, and the Cartoon Network during September. Viz's Animerica magazine and the Borders Group International recently co-sponsored free theatrical screenings of the InuYasha film in several North American cities prior to its DVD release on September 7. Viz and the Borders Group (which includes Borders and Waldenbooks) have also announced special exclusive premium offerings, including an edition of the InuYasha movie with a lenticular cover and a special edition of the nineteenth volume of the Inuyasha manga (see 'Viz to Release Two InuYasha Exclusives'), which comes with an exclusive action figure of Inuyasha in demon mode. The two exclusives, along with a box set including the first season of InuYasha on DVD, will be displayed in full color InuYasha floor displays in 700 Waldenbooks nationwide.
Starting This Month
Posted by ICv2 on September 7, 2004 @ 11:00 pm CT