Marvel Comics' Amazing Spider-Man will enter a new era, with a new issue #1, in April 2025, with a new creative team of writer Joe Kelly, artists John Romita Jr. and Pepe Larraz, and colorist Marte Gracia. The relaunched series will kick off with Peter Parker facing a Spider-Villain who has gained control over other Spider-Villains and is using them as weapons. Amazing Spider-Man #1 will go on sale on April 9, 2025, with a wraparound cover by Larraz.
Kelly is currently writing 8 Deaths of Spider-Man story arc (see “Preview: ‘8 Deaths of Spider-Man’ Variant Covers by Skottie Young”).
With Joe Kelly, John Romita Jr., Pepe Larraz
Posted by Brigid Alverson on December 19, 2024 @ 5:46 pm CT