WizKids will release Marvel HeroClix: Demo Day Kit, a bundle of recently released products with giveaways to support an in-store Demo Day.  The offer provides a free Marvel HeroClix: Starter Set 2025 and a free Marvel Heroclix: Bag of Wolvie with an order of a Marvel HeroClix: Black Panther Booster Brick and three Marvel HeroClix: Starter Set 2025

For the Demo Day, retailers are to open a starter set to demo the game to new or returning players and give a Wolvie figure to each customer that completes the demo.  Wolvie figures can also be used for the player doing the demo.  Any remaining Wolvies are to be used for in-store play or demos and cannot be resold.  The booster brick and starter sets purchased as part of the bundle can be sold as normal.