Troll Lord Games will release Castles & Crusades Starter Set, an entry level RPG set, which is currently on preorder.

The new edition of their starter set comes with everything players need to get up and running with Castes & Crusades game sessions.  The set includes dice, character sheets, and three booklets.  The first booklet, Character Creation, allows players to generate characters that can be advanced all the way to level 6 without needing further rules.

The second book, Directing the Game, is for the Castle Keeper. This allows a player to act as the game's referee and run game sessions.  The third book, Into the Dark, is an adventure for three to eight level 1 characters where they take on a giant and its goblin miniatures.

The standard set will retail for $29.99.  There will also be a Collector's Edition available, which comes with a TLC memorabilia item and is signed and numbered (limited to 150 print run), that is available for $34.99.

Troll Lord Games recently reprinted the original Castles & Crusades Players Handbook (see "'Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook 1E'").

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