According to the Hollywood Reporter Hugh Laurie (who played Bertie Wooster in the Jeeves & Wooster series) is in final negotiations to take on the role of Perry White, Clark Kent's boss and editor of the Daily Planet in Bryan Singer's new Superman movie.  James Marsden, who played Cyclops in Singer's two X-Men films, has also been signed to portray Richard White, who is described as Lois Lane's love interest.  Warner Bros. did admit that the characters Perry White and Richard White were related, but declined to say whether or not they were father and son.


With the signing of Laurie (who plays the curt but dedicated Dr. Gregory House in the Bryan Singer-executive produced TV series House) and Marsden, the cast of the principals in the new Superman film is nearly complete with newcomer Brandon Routh as Superman/Clark Kent, Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, and Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane.