Score Entertainment is redesigning and will re-release the Dragon Ball Z TCG. Some of the cards from the original DBZ TCG will be compatible with the new version. The new program will include an expanded DBZ product line, including deck boxes, sleeves, and deck box bags in addition to starter decks and booster packs. The first card previews will be available on the game's Website at the beginning of June.
In conjunction with the revival of the DBZ TCG, Score will cease operations on the DBGT TCG line. To ease the transition, side events for DBGT Expanded will be held at conventions throughout the 2005 season.
Convention events will support the DBZ TCG relaunch. Demo tournaments will be held at Origins; official tournaments will start during the San Diego Comic-Con International.
Other companies are also gearing up to support Dragon Ball Z this year. FUNimation will release the Dragon Ball Z Broly Second Coming feature in April. It will be supported by a marketing campaign that will deliver over 35 million impressions via TV advertising on WWE, online and print advertising, a Regal theater tour, contests and sweepstakes, public relations, and other initiatives. And while supply lasts, each DVD will include an exclusive double foil Broly Dragon Ball Z collectible card.