Dynamite Entertainment's Red Sonja #0, written by Michael Avon Oeming and Mike Carey with art by Mel Rubi (interiors) and Greg Land (cover), has garnered orders of more than 200,000 copies, the best performance by a non-Marvel or DC title in over a decade. In spite of its stellar numbers Red Sonja #0, which ships in April, won't have the number one spot on Diamond's list of the Top 100 Comics because of its 25-cent cover price, which makes it a 'promotional' book and thus ineligible for Diamond's list of best-sellers.
While the 25-cent cover price definitely played a key role in Red Sonja #0's strong showing, it is worth noting that Dark Horse's identically-priced initial Conan title, which does deserve credit for reviving the sword and sorcery comic book genre, failed to break 100,000 in its initial orders.