Image Comics has announced that author Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead continues to sell out despite significantly increased preorders and 'aggressive overprinting.' The Walking Dead: Days Gone By, the first trade paperback collection, reprinting the first six issues of the series (see 'Image Going Back to Press With TPBs'), has sold out of its second printing. And the second trade, Miles Behind Us, has almost sold out of its first (November) printing. New printings of both are planned.
The Walking Dead trade paperbacks continue to sell in comic stores after initial release; there has been a The Walking Dead volume in almost every recent month's Diamond Top 100 Graphic Novel chart. Book channel sales are also good; although comic store sales are greater, The Walking Dead is Image's bestselling title in bookstores.
The third The Walking Dead collection, Safety Behind Bars, is due in stores this month. Pre-orders have already topped 7,500 copies, according to Image Marketing Coordinator B. Clay Moore, and the print run will be at least 10,000 copies.
The two most recently released issues of the comic (# 15 & 16) have now sold out, as have all prior issues.