Image has announced that Beckett Entertainment comics will be published by Image, beginning with the September release of the Ronin Hood of the 47 Samurai original graphic novel.  


The move is an outgrowth of the acquisition of Beckett's non-comic divisions to Apprise Media in January (see 'Beckett Pubs Sold to Apprise Media').  As a result of that transition, the comic division, which is owned by Jim Beckett and Jeff Amano, was separated from the sales, marketing, printing, and other support services of the Apprise divisions.  As Amano put it, '[O]ur choices were to rebuild a whole new support staff or focus on our content.'


The first Beckett releases through Image will be:


September -- Ronin Hood of the 47 Samurai OGN

October -- Ganglords of Chinatown TPB

November -- Fade from Grace TPB

December -- Kiss & Tell TPB