Jay Bardyla of Happy Harbor Comics & Toys in Edmonton, Alberta has a bone to pick with Marvel over Excalibur #13:


I have just about had it with Marvel.  Their latest is going to cost me customers and it's to the point where I am looking to become a 'Marvel Free' comic store.  I realize that that's extreme but after what they did with Excalibur #13, it's almost justified.


As we all know by now, this issue, solicited in March with a picture of Magneto holding Scarlet Witch creating the belief that this issue would be a very essential part of the 'House of M' story, was anything but.  The three-page prelude therein was three pages that should have never been published.  Further, it had absolutely nothing to do with the main story, which was a part 3 of 4.


I feel horrible for my customers that I pushed this book on since it was clearly nothing more than a $4.25 money grab.  As such, we'll be offering refunds to anyone who special-ordered it under the pretense that it was necessary to the summer event.
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