Archie Comics has announced a four-issue monthly comic book series based on the Sonic X anime and debuting September 21st. Archie has published over 150 issues of a Sonic the Hedgehog comic based on the popular videogame that debuted in 1991 and the original series will continue giving Archie two Sonic books a month starting in September. The new Sonic X comic book series features the same characters, including Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Shadow and Dr. Eggman, but it will be based on the Sonic X anime series, which airs on Saturday mornings as part of the 4Kids block on the Fox network.
The four-issue Archie series will feature storylines from the Saturday morning series. The new Sonic X comics will contain stand-alone stories and Archie indicates that the four-issue series is just 'the first of what looks to be several great new projects with Sonic and Sonic X.'