Top Cow Productions has selected Troy Hickman (Common Grounds) to write the next story arc of City of Heroes, the comic book co-venture with Ncsoft and Cryptic Studios based on the popular massive online multi-player role-playing game (MOMRPG). Hickman's run begins with issue #4 in August, following Mark Waid's three-part story arc. The first issue of City of Heroes, which featured a number of variant covers including designs by George Perez and Alex Ross, just came out this month.
Hickman's Common Grounds stories took the superhero genre in a new directions and earned him nominations for two 2005 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards. The Common Grounds comic series was collected in trade paperback form and published by Top Cow in December of last year. Hickman is familiar with the City of Heroes online game since he has been playing it for awhile and he enjoys it because it allows him to bring out the nuances of the characters he has created for the game -- something he will try duplicate in the stories he is writing for the City of Heroes comics.