Charlie Huston, the author of Caught Stealing and Bad Things, will write a new six-issue limited Moon Knight series for Marvel. David Finch, whose strong pencils have helped make the New Avengers a major success, will draw the new Moon Knight: The Bottom series, which is slated to debut in early 2006.
Introduced in Werewolf by Night #32 in 1975, the dark and mysterious superhero had more than his share of hang-ups -- even for a Marvel character, and it's the conflicted personality of the Moon Knight character that appeals to Huston, who said, 'I've always been a huge fan of Doug Moench's original Moon Knight series. His dark themes tackled complicated issues and served up moral quandaries for the men and women in tights. I don't think it can be done any better than it was by Moench, but I will certainly try to do Moon Knight justice. One thing I will promise fans -- it will be dark!'