This December Viz will publish the first English edition of Kazushi Hagiwara's Bastard!!, while Image Comics will debut a prime example of American 'manga,' Bastard Samurai by Michael Avon Oeming, Kelsey Shannon, and Miles Gunter. While the two titles do differ in many respects, they share more than just a titular epithet. We're talking sword slashing action and fluid, heavy metal-influenced graphics and lots of visual story telling. ICv2 has documented the growing influence of Japanese comics on American creators (a trend that goes back at least as far as Frank Miller's Ronin -- see 'Manga's Influence On American Comics'), something that is apparent in Marvel's War Machine and pervasive in Bastard Samurai. Don't be put off by the titles; both these series have a real chance to succeed.
Viz describes Kazushi Hagiwara's Bastard!! as the 'ultimate sword and sorcery manga,' which is not really much of an exaggeration. Hagiwara's epic is a full bore dark fantasy, heavily influenced by Dungeons & Dragons, filled as it is with orcs, giants, wizards, demons, and, of course, dragons. Hagiwara, who set his sword and sorcery saga in a kingdom named Metallicana (after one of his favorite heavy metal bands), is hardly subtle in his drawing style or his approach to narrative, but he is always visually spectacular and he never neglects the violence and mayhem. This is one Japanese comic series that should have a strong appeal to those who play RPGs or admire the sword and sorcery exploits of Conan, Kull, etc.
Viz is publishing the first issue, Bastard!!#1: Wizard in a new 72-page format, with subsequent issues of the black-and-white comic coming out in an economical 64-page format with a cover price of $3.95. Published by Shueisha in Japan, Bastard!! has already reached more than 20 trade paperback volumes in length, which means there is a wealth of material for Viz to exploit.
In addition to its crossover potential with D&D fans and the general game store demographic, Bastard!! also makes sense for retailers to push because it has a lot of accompanying merchandise. Diamond has already imported some of the impressive Kotbukiya Bastard!! action figures, and will undoubtedly do more as the series takes off. In addition Pioneer has an excellent six-episode anime series, which is available here in the States. Don't overlook the potential of this series.