An ICv2 release. ICv2 has announced the release of the ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games #9, which is being released to the trade by Alliance Games, Diamond Comic Distributors, Koen Book Distributors, and other sources.
In this issue we look at the way the market has finally leveled off after a considerable period of decline, and we examine the Top Ten performers in each of the main game categories, CCGs, Miniatures Games, RPGs and board games, and we have also conducted interviews with two savvy retailers who provide their insights on how to get the most out of holiday sales (see 'Game Market Decline Levels Off').
If your distributor is on the list above, just ask for your free copy of the Guide, or e-mail Dennis Viau at our office at DViau@icv2.com to request a copy. For others, it's available for a small charge at the ICv2 Online Store (click here).