In this week's edition of Entertainment Weekly's 'Comic Books 101' four different reviewers gave good grades to four new comic book and graphic novel releases. Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library hardcover from Pantheon got an 'A' from Nisha Gopalan, who couldn't resist the 'meticulously detailed comics of unmistakable Ware-iness' mixed in with those inimitable faux ads, 'like the one touting feudalism.'
Abby West gave Kyle Baker's self-published Nat Turner comic book, which is based on Turner's own account of the slave revolt he led, an 'A-' calling it 'a hauntingly beautiful historical spotlight. Andrew Crosby's Damn Nation, published by Dark Horse, also received an 'A-' from Marc Bernardin, who loved the 'sharp political satire' and the zombie saga's familiar feel -- 'the really good stories always feel like they've been around forever.'
Joe Casey and Tom Scioli's Godland (from Image) got the lowest grade in the class, but, what the heck it was a 'B+' and reviewer Tom Sinclair said that 'anyone who gets all misty thinking about Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's classic run on Fantastic Four will love Godland -- not exactly a bad recommendation.