According to the Website the Cartoon Network has declined to order a sixth season of the Teen Titans animated series. Based on the DC comic, which is currently a fixture in the Top 25, the Teen Titans animated series with its anime-style graphics and tween-friendly storylines appealed to a younger demographic than the comic book.
Fans of the series are circulating an online petition, but even if the Cartoon Network doesn't change its mind, the Teen Titans animated series will likely remain available thanks to reruns of the more than 67 episodes already aired as well as on DVD. The first season of the Teen Titans Animated Series on DVD will be available in February of 2006.
Bandai America, which has released toys as well as a collectible card game based on the Teen Titans animated series, and DC, which publishes the comic, may benefit from the attention if fans heed the urging on fan Websites to buy more Teen Titans merchandise to show support for the show and help keep it on the air. Longer term, the fate of the licensed merchandise will depend on how TV exposure changes and the degree to which that change affects sales.