Sabertooth Games has a number of key releases scheduled for April and May of 2006, the first of which is Fires of Pyrus, the second expansion to the popular Dark Millennium Collectible Card Game.  In April Sabertooth will also debut its Universal Fighting System (UFS), which allows for combat between entities from different properties (see 'Sabertooth Adds 'Street Fighter' License').  In addition to the already announced Street Fighter Base Set, Sabertooth also plans to release a SoulCalibur III Base Set for the UFS in April.


In May Sabertooth will release Marks of Power, the second expansion for the War of Attrition tournament block for the WarCry CCG.  Tzeentch, the master of change, materializes and his influence is immediately palpable as all of the action cards are spells or key off spell effects.


But Sabertooth's spring releases are not limited to the realm of CCGs.  Dan Abnett's collection of cutting edge graphic stories set in the grim reality of the Warhammer 40K universe, Imperial Gothic, is due out in April as is The Art of Warhammer 40,000 -- a hardcover collection of the best work from Games Workshop's tireless art department -- those Space Marines certainly have become cultural icons to the ferociously inclined gamers who support GW's wuss-free combat games!