Distributors and retailers are reporting that the April launch of the new Hordes miniature game from Privateer Press (see 'Hordes Launching in April') received a great response, with Hordes set to challenge Privateer's Warmachine as the company's #1 line. 


According to Privateer Product Manager Rob Stoddard, 'the launch went very, very well, and reorders have been very good as well.'  Three hundred launch kits were distributed to retailers for events to be held on April 22nd, and the events had a lot to do with the line's strong launch. 


'The public can't get enough' of the new game, Stoddard told us. 


According to retailers we talked to, although there has been some migration from Warmachine to Hordes, Hordes is also pulling some players from Games Workshop's Warhammer 40k. 


Asked whether Privateer expects Hordes to pass Warmachine in sales, Stoddard said that Privateer hopes for a balance between the two.  'Our hope is that they both sell equally well,' he said.  'We designed the games to be completely compatible; so instead of a divided community, we're really trying to bring these two communities together.  We want Warmachine players to play Hordes players, and Hordes players to play Warmachine players.'  Hordes appeals more to players who prefer fantasy games (and monsters), while the steampunk Warmachine game appeals to players who prefer robots.  'We're hoping that even though players might not enjoy the other game, that they still might be interested in playing players of the other game,' Stoddard said.