The current issue of Entertainment Weekly features the magazine's 'Must List' of '113 people and things we love right now,' which includes Neil Gaiman's revival of Jack Kirby's The Eternals (Marvel) and Frank Espinosa's Rocketo (Image).  EW includes both Espinosa and Gaiman in the 'Book Section' along with the wonderfully retro and lurid covers of the paperback mysteries published by the Manhattan imprint, Hard Case Crime (Max Allan Collin's entry in this series, The Last Quarry is due out in August).


EW calls Espinosa, 'one of the field's most promising auteur cartoonists,' while giving Gaiman (and John Romita) nearly a page for a very cool comic book-style rendering of the genesis of Gaiman's interest in reviving Kirby's The Eternals.  Given Gaiman's high profile outside the comic book industry, this nine-panel and one-splash spread in EW has plenty of potential to attract new customers.