In November Slave Labor Press will ship the first trade paperback collection of Steve Emond's Emo Boy comics. The thematic (depressed, near suicidal) and sartorial (hair over one eye, dark clothing) similarities between the older 'goth' crowd and the more current 'emo' trend indicate that alienation among the young is a constant -- and the success of previous graphic novels (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Gloom Cookie), many of which were also published by Slave Labor, demonstrate that alienated kids read a lot more than their well-adjusted contemporaries.
Emond's Emo Boy is a high school kid who is so filled with self-loathing and raging emotions that he develops emo super powers that only seem to bring destruction and disaster, causing everyone to hate him even more than they already do. The 176-page, black and white, Emo Boy Vol. #1 has a cover price of $13.95.