Two top game retailers have revealed their secrets of working with schools to increase sales in the new issue of the ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games (#12).  Steve Ellis of Rainy Day Games in Aloha, Oregon (near Portland) spoke to ICv2 about his techniques for involving Scout groups, libraries, and schools to promote game play and sales. 


Pat Fuge of Gnome Games has developed a way to make game play part of the curriculum at local schools, which means not only the sale of games directly for educational purposes, but also the growth of a new generation of gamers in his community.


The regular cartoon feature by John Kovalic follows this theme with 'Surprising Uses of Games in Education' as its title.


Our market report asks, is the 'Hobby Market Bottoming,' as our sources are now turning slightly more positive after a long dry spell. 


And we also publish our best-in-the-business bestseller lists in five game categories.  Here are the top fives (longer lists are available in the magazine):


ICv2 Top Five CCGs

  1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
  2. Magic: The Gathering
  3. Pokemon
  4. Vs.
  5. Universal Fighting System

ICv2 Top Five CMGs

  1. Star Wars CMG
  2. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
  3. HeroClix
  4. Pirates
  5. MechWarrior


ICv2 Top Five Unpainted Miniature Games

  1. Warhammer 40,000
  2. Hordes
  3. WarMachine
  4. Warhammer Fantasy Battles
  5. Reaper Miniatures


ICv2 Top Five Board, Card, and Family Games

  1. Settlers of Catan
  2. Ticket to Ride
  3. Carcassonne
  4. Munchkins
  5. Zombies


ICv2 Top Five RPGs

  1. Dungeons & Dragons
  2. World of Darkness
  3. Exalted
  4. Mutants and Masterminds
  5. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

For info on how to get your copy of the ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games #12, with the special feature articles, the full lists, and much more, see 'ICv2 Releases 'ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games' #12.'