Fran McGarry of Acme Comics & Collectibles in Sioux City, Iowa saw the news that Marvel's Civil War books would be delayed (see ''Civil War' Delays Rile Retailers') and notes that how retailers handle the delays in their stores can have an influence on the outcome:
One important thing a lot of people are overlooking at the retail level is how to handle the delays with customers. Yes, I agree, late books are horrible and should not happen; however, you can greatly effect how negative it will be on your store by how you discuss it with your customers.
If you join in complaining or blaming company 'X,' that will just re-enforce the customers' negativity and their feeling that they should drop project 'X.' If, however, you approach it with a 'You're right, it is not a good thing, but sometimes this happens; let's just make the best of the great story, art or whatever,' they are much more likely to calm down and continue to wait patiently for the late issues.
While I agree in a perfect world everything would ship on time and undamaged, that isn't going to happen anytime soon. At least give Marvel credit for telling us the new dates instead of letting us go week to week telling customers we aren't sure when the books will be in or why they are late. Even though we may not like the new dates, this way we look informed and on top of things instead of the 'we aren't sure when we will see this book--maybe next week' scenario that has happened in the past.
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