Mage Knight maker WizKids has opened a retail store with an extensive play area in Redmond, Washington. The store is in a strip mall location formerly occupied by Games and Gizmo, which was a small Seattle-area chain. According to WizKids EVP Martin Stever, the store is located next to one of the two big movie theaters in Redmond, and near a pizzaria. As Stever put it, 'Every high-school kid in Redmond will see us.' The store carries both the products of WizKids and those by other manufacturers, including Games Workshop and Wizards of the Coast. Stever told us that WizKids has no intention of opening more than one store. 'We're not Games Workshop or Wizards of the Coast,' he said. The store is 3600 square feet in total, with around 2500 square feet of gaming space.
Playtest Laboratory
Posted by ICv2 on December 7, 2001 @ 11:00 pm CT