Jim Crocker of Modern Myths in Northamton, MA, saw the news about Marvel's sanitized material (see 'Marvel Edits 'Tomb of Dracula'') and sees an opportunity for retailers to sell unedited material:


Marvel subtly altering their original comics without telling anyone is an even more common phenomenon than the Tomb of Dracula scrubbing indicates.


Someday when you're in a well-stocked comic shop or B&N, compare the deluxe hardcover collection of Runaways with the cheap digest reprints.  You'll notice a few differences, as Marvel has 'cleaned up' the dialogue and done a few art touch-ups to make sure none of the kids know that Sue Richards has, y'know, breasts (Because in a comic where the main characters' parents knife a homeless girl and use her blood in a magic ritual so they can murder the entire planet, which gets left in, cleavage can be a real problem...).


While annoying for those who'd like to actually read the story as originally presented in the digest format, it does represent an upsale opportunity for savvy retailers ('Sure the paperbacks  are cheaper, but don't you want BKV's original vision?'), so I figured I'd mention it here as a public service.


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