We heard from Rick Edwards of Socko! In Stow, Ohio, in response to our story on Barnes and Noble lobbying publishers for the same deals that book publishers are giving to new, non-core outlets (see 'Barnes and Noble Takes the Gloves Off').  He put the two themes of that article together (B&N fighting for discount and non-core retailers as attractive outlets for publishers) and created a scenario in which specialty retail chains incorporate specialized pop culture items into their product mix.


I have been predicting to my customers and fellow retailers that a mighty chain or outlets (or a small chain of start-up's) will come about within the near future to take 'our' comics and games business to the next level. Will it be Barnes & Nobles? I am sure that if the price is right for them, they will accommodate a FULL-LINE comics section from the publishers in order to get the best terms that they can.

They (or someone else) may even see the viability of a properly run comics and games section in their own megastores as a natural progression for their business.

Imagine the buying power of say Barnes & Nobles, Blockbuster Video, Suncoast Video, Electronics Boutique, Spencers and Hollywood video (just to name a few naturals for their addition of 'our' business to theirs); put them in a suburbia retail plaza or stand alone site. Apply their buying power to the price tags of the merchandise (deep discounts folks) and there you have a fully realized chain of comics and games hobby stores.

They will have a lot of their own product to offer to those niche market customers as well as the comics and games. Comics may be seen as their 'loss leader' product in order to draw in more sales for other merchandise. They could reach a broad base of interests and tastes with the cross platform marketing of merchandise that will happen in their own stores!

Some will say that it is a fantasy; however, DVD's will only be able to take up so much square footage in a video store. What will BBV & Hollywood Video do with all of that unused square footage. They are already tapping into some like-minded merchandise. How long before VHS is totally wiped off the face of the Earth and they are clamoring, 'What should we do to grow?' They are naturals as well.

It may not happen next year or the year after that, but some suit in the corporate offices of some of these companies will be looking for a way to impress his boss with a new way to do business as things change. He will take off that suit, walk into a comic and games shop to pick up his weekly fill and it will just hit him...comics, games and toys! Then he will run home to outline his plan and do some shopping research to back it up.

It is already showing signs of happening here and there. Check out the chains and go shopping for a day. You will see hints of it. What will take it to the next level? Maybe Barnes & Nobles will with their negotiations.

All is fair in love, war and business.