Marvel Entertainment has inked a deal with No Equal Entertainment, a Vancouver-based production company, to develop a live action TV series based on Moon Knight. Doug Moench and Don Perlin created the Marc Spector (aka Moon Knight) character and introduced him in Werewolf By Night #32 way back in 1975.
Moon Knight has experienced a comic book revival in 2006 thanks to novelist Charlie Huston and artist David Finch, who have collaborated on a new on-going Moon Knight comic series (see 'Moon Knight No Longer a Mini'). The most recent issue of Moon Knight was the 28th most popular comic book released in September with North American sales of nearly 65,000 copies.
With the demise of the Blade TV series (see 'Put a Stake in Him, He's Done'), it will be up to Moon Knight to plant the live action flag of second tier Marvel characters in the land of the small screen.