Matthew Dykes of KAPOW! Comics in Sherwood, Arkansas has seen the news of the WizKids exclusive distribution deal with Diamond/Alliance (see 'WizKids Goes Exclusive'), and asks 'what's the fuss?'


Well honestly I really don't know what all the fuss is about.  I've read for weeks now that this is the worst thing to happen to HeroClix, blah blah blah!  Obviously no one has tried to actually talk to their reps about this at all.


My current rep at Alliance has done nothing but make sure I'm taken care of for the DC Origins release.  To add to my great service rep story, she was sick the other day so the person who was watching her accounts that day made sure to call me and see if there was anything I needed, even though I only order Clix once a month.  Now add to the fact that I get great service from Alliance I also get free s+h on orders over $300.


I just don't understand why everyone is up in arms.  I place my order with Karen and in two days I receive my products.  Diamond is a little different: you do have to wait a week and don't get as good a discount, but that's why I buy my Clix through Alliance and my comics through Diamond.


People really should just calm down a minute and try setting up an account with Alliance and see what happens.  Personally I think this is a great move for WizKids. 


It's already paying off for retailers by being able to sell convention exclusives.  Instead of paying aftermarket prices on a Spectre piece, now I can buy it at a discount and sell it for under $100, unlike before.


Let's also talk about how this benefits the brick and mortar stores.  My Envoy, actually all the Envoys in central Arkansas, buy their stuff online at crazy discounts that I can't beat.  In fact, most of the hardcore Clix players buy online, which leaves me selling my product to new players, tournaments prizes, and my loyal regulars.  Well now it's the brick and mortar retailer who can finally make some money and not have to fight with online prices.


This decision WizKids made is the best thing to happen to Clix in a while.  One last time, this merger has done nothing but make sure brick and mortar stores benefit the most.


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