At the Origins International Game Expo held over the past weekend in
This year's winners included both Dragon ('Best Non-Fiction Publication of the Year') and Dungeon ('Best Fiction Publication of the Year') -- awards that may well have represented a fond farewell to the two publications, which were recently cancelled (see 'Dungeon & Dragon Magazines to End'), and which have meant so much to the world of adventure gaming over the years.
Other key awards went to Looney Labs' Treehouse (Board Game of the Year), Privateer Press' Hordes: Primal (Miniatures Game or Expansion of the Year), WizKids' Pirates: Davy Jones' Curse (CCG or Expansion of the Year), Burning Wheel's Burning Empires (Role-Playing Game of the Year), Mayfair's Settlers of Catan Event Deck (Game Accessory of the Year), and Wizard of the Coast's Colossal Red Dragon (Miniature of the Year).
Here is a complete list of the 2007 Origins Award Winners:
Board Game or Expansion of the Year
Treehouse (Looney Labs)
Miniatures Game or Expansion of theYear
Hordes: Primal (Privateer Press)
Miniature or Miniatures Line of the Year
Colossal Red Dragon (Wizards of the Coast)
Non-Collectable Card Game or Expansion of the Year
Munchkin Impossible (Steve Jackson Games)
CCG or Expansion of the Year
Pirates: Davy Jones' Curse (WizKids)
Game Accessory of the Year
Settlers of Catan Event Deck (
Fiction Publication of the Year
Dungeon Magazine (Paizo Publishing)
Non-Fiction Publication of the Year
Dragon Magazine (Paizo Publishing)
Role-Playing Game of the Year
Burning Empires (Burning Wheel)
Role-Playing Supplement of the Year
Deadlands Reloaded (Pinnacle/Great White Games)
Origins Vanguard Awards
(see 'Piece of Eight Wins Vanguard Award')
Play By Mail Game of the Year
Starweb (Flying
Historical Miniatures Game of the Year
Vlad the Impaler (Warhammer Historical)
Historical Miniatures Line of the Year
40mm American Civil War Line (Sash and Saber)
Historical Board Game of the Year
Command & Colors Ancients (GMT Games)