Kings of War is a two-player fantasy tabletop miniatures game designed by Alessio Cavatore. The Nerve rule system is designed with simplicity in mind, to be easy to learn and intuitive, so minimum time is wasted, and combat is determined using six-sided dice. The first edition of the game was launched via Kickstarter by Mantic in Summer 2012 (see "Mantic Games Topping Kickstarter with Trade").
The new Kings of War 2nd Edition Hardback Rulebook will include improvements to the rules for better strategy, speed and simplicity in the game. All the armies have been rebalanced with updated stats and point costs, and the book will include new units added since the first edition. The book will also include new art and more back-story on the fantasy world and each of the factions. The corebook also includes all the unit entries, magic items and full background for the now out-of-print supplement books.
The Kickstarter campaign also featured a softcover Gamer’s Rulebook and a variety of miniature armies, boosters, and individual figures.
The Kickstarter, which ended today, raised $366,547 from 2,747 backers ($133.44/backer average). Backer fulfillment is planned for July.