Ain't it Cool News is reporting that Darren Aronofsky (Pi) will direct an adaptation of Alan Moore's Watchmen graphic novel as soon as he finishes work on The Fountain. AIC's article includes an extensive quote from screenwriter David Hayter, who has written the screenplay for the proposed Watchmen movie and had hoped to be able to direct the film. As recently as last month, producers Lloyd Levin and Larry Gordon were talking about Hayter as the director of Watchmen, but Hayter told AIC 'It is definitely disappointing not to be able to direct the film, but it became increasingly clear that I was going to continue to have trouble getting the film made, until I gained more weight as a director.'
With no official announcements it is still way to early to start salivating at the prospect of Dr. Manhattan, Nite Owl, Rorshach & The Comedian parading across the screen at the local multiplex. But it is safe to say that, with Hellboy producers Levin and Gordon apparently determined to get this film made, we are probably closer to a screen adaptation of Watchmen now than we have ever been. Still Aronofsky's name has been attached to a number of projects including Frank Miller's Ronin, and Batman: Year One, which appear to be permanently stuck in development hell. Stay tuned for further developments.