SOTA had its 2005 toy line on display at To Fair, allowing for a look at more of the figures that were announced over the last couple of months (see 'SOTA Announces '05 Releases').
Charmed Series 2 will include four SKUs -- the three primary female characters plus Leo (mostly because he looks good in his gladiator get-up). They'll street in July at a $14.99 MSRP. Each of the four figures will come with a base and other elements that fit together into a playset.
Street Fighter
Street Fighter continues to be SOTA's largest line, and there are two more series planned for 2005. Street Fighter Series 3, which will ship in June or July, will be the first series with a $13.99 MSRP, primarily because the releases have now hit less popular characters that will sell smaller quantities. It will consist of Adon, Guile, Sakura, Gen, and Balrog. Street Fighter Series 4, which will ship in November, will consist of Remy, Fei Long, Akuma, Ibuki, and Birdie.
Darkstalkers, also based on a Capcom game, will street in October or November, with Morrigan (each Darkstalkers series will have one female character), Lord Raptor, Demitri, and Anakaris at a $14.99 MSRP.
Now Playing
Two series from SOTA's Now Playing movie line will ship later this year at $13.99. Series 2 will ship in June featuring characters from The Mummy, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and Jeepers Creepers 2. Series 3 will be out for Halloween with Meg Mucklebones from Legend, Werewolf from Dark Soldiers, and Baron Harkonen from Dune.
Also in the Now Playing line but not part of Series 3 will be the previously announced 18' Darkness figure from Legend, which will retail for $75. 'He's a bit price, he's $75 retail,' a SOTA spokersperson said, 'but he's got a voice chip and he's huge. The cape alone is more plastic than most figures.' An 18' version of The Creeper is planned for Halloween.
And a set of figures from The Thing, featuring R.J. MacReady, will release around Halloween at $24.99 for the box set, which will include MacReady, dogs with articulation, tentacles, etc.
American Werewolf in London and Darkman Minibusts, which retail for $39.99, will street this summer.
SOTA's new Micronauts license has been previously announced (see 'SOTA Toys Nabs Micronauts License'). The figures will release at a $19.99 MSRP this summer, and will be new, improved versions of the 80s toys, with 'more accessories than anyone's ever seen for $20.'
'Anyone who's seen the originals will instantly recognize these, but will also recognize that it's the difference between
Nightmares of Lovecraft
The new series of figures based on Lovecraft characters will be out for Halloween at $19.99, probably boxed as opposed to clamshell packaging.