Digital Manga has announced the 2006 release of You Higuri's Gorgeous Carat Galaxy, a side story based on Higuri's four-volume shonen-ai (literally 'boy love') historical adventure series Gorgeous Carat. Although the new title was announced on Digital Manga's 'yaoi' Website, Gorgeous Carat Galaxy is actually not a 'yaoi' title at least in the sense the term is used in the U.S. where it indicates a more frank depiction of love between two impossibly good-looking guys. Both 'yaoi' and 'shonen-ai' titles are typically shoujo manga, written and drawn by female creators for a female audience, but shonen-ai titles much more chaste in their depiction of the central romantic relationship and You Higuri's Gorgeous Carat series definitely falls into the 'shonen-ai' category.