QtyRank | Index | Title | Price | Pub | Est.Qty | |
1 | 18.07 | IDENTITY CRISIS HC* | $24.99 | DC | 11,923 | |
2 | 9.14 | EX MACHINA VOL 2 TAG TP (MR) | $12.99 | DC | 6,031 | |
4 | 8.33 | SHOWCASE PRESENTS SUPERMAN VOL 1 TP | $9.99 | DC | 5,496 | |
5 | 7.9 | SHOWCASE PRESENTS GREEN LANTERN VOL 1 TP | $9.99 | DC | 5,213 | |
6 | 7.89 | SAMURAI EXECUTIONER VOL 5 10 FINGERS 1 LIFE TP (MR) | $9.95 | DAR | 5,206 | |
7 | 7.82 | ABSOLUTE BATMAN HUSH OVERSIZED HC | $49.99 | DC | 5,160 | |
8 | 7.37 | BATMAN WAR GAMES ACT THREE TP | $14.99 | DC | 4,863 | |
9 | 7.13 | ESSENTIAL GHOST RIDER VOL 1 TP | $16.99 | MAR | 4,705 | |
10 | 6.86 | SUPERMAN BATMAN VOL 2 SUPERGIRL TP | $12.99 | DC | 4,527 | |
11 | 5.96 | HELLSING VOL 7 TP | $13.95 | DAR | 3,933 | |
12 | 5.78 | RUNAWAYS VOL 4 TRUE BELIEVERS DIGEST TP | $7.99 | MAR | 3,814 | |
13 | 5.57 | JLA VOL 17 SYNDICATE RULES TP | $17.99 | DC | 3,675 | |
14 | 5.54 | WOLVERINE ENEMY O/T STATE VOL 1 TP | $14.99 | MAR | 3,656 | |
15 | 5.44 | SGT ROCKS COMBAT TALES VOL 1 TP | $9.99 | DC | 3,590 | |
16 | 4.89 | LADY SNOWBLOOD VOL 1 TP (MR) | $14.95 | DAR | 3,227 | |
17 | 4.79 | RUROUNI KENSHIN VOL 19 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 3,161 | |
18 | 4.78 | SUPERMAN BIRTHRIGHT TP | $19.99 | DC | 3,154 | |
19 | 4.77 | HELLBLAZER BLACK FLOWERS TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 3,147 | |
20 | 4.75 | NEGIMA VOL 7 GN (MR) | $10.95 | RAN | 3,134 | |
21 | 4.71 | CHRONICLES O/CONAN VOL 8 TOWER O/BLOOD & OTHER STORIES TP | $16.95 | DAR | 3,108 | |
22 | 4.65 | BPRD DEAD TP | $17.95 | DAR | 3,068 | |
23 | 4.42 | AVENGERS SERPENT CROWN TP | $15.99 | MAR | 2,916 | |
24 | 4.1 | SLEEPER VOL 4 LONG WAY HOME TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 2,705 | |
25 | 4.1 | WONDER WOMAN VOL 3 BEAUTY & BEASTS TP | $19.95 | DC | 2,705 | |
26 | 4.06 | EXILES VOL 11 TIME BREAKERS TP | $17.99 | MAR | 2,679 | |
27 | 3.96 | ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VOL 6 HC | $29.99 | MAR | 2,613 | |
28 | 3.9 | BLEACH VOL 9 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 2,573 | |
29 | 3.79 | KATSUYA TERADA THE MONKEY KING VOL 1 TP (MR) | $14.95 | DAR | 2,501 | |
30 | 3.79 | ROBIN BATGIRL FRESH BLOOD TP | $12.99 | DC | 2,501 | |
31 | 3.77 | KINGDOM HEARTS VOL 1 GN (Of 4) | $5.99 | TKP | 2,488 | |
32 | 3.74 | RONIN HOOD OF THE 47 SAMURAI GN | $9.99 | IMA | 2,468 | |
33 | 3.63 | HULK VISIONARIES PETER DAVID VOL 2 TP | $19.99 | MAR | 2,395 | |
34 | 3.59 | LAST HERO STANDING TP | $13.99 | MAR | 2,369 | |
35 | 3.34 | WOLVERINE CLASSIC VOL 2 TP | $12.99 | MAR | 2,204 | |
36 | 3.34 | SECRET O/T SWAMP THING TP | $9.99 | DC | 2,204 | |
37 | 3.31 | FRANK MILLER SIN CITY VOL 1 HARD GOODBYE 2ND TP (MR) | $17.00 | DAR | 2,184 | |
38 | 3.13 | DEVIL MAY CRY 3 GN (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,065 | |
39 | 3.12 | YOTSUBA MANGA VOL 3 TP | $9.99 | ADV | 2,059 | |
40 | 3.09 | DEARS VOL 4 GN (Of 7) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,039 | |
41 | 2.95 | ACME NOVELTY LIBRARY HC | $27.50 | RAN | 1,947 | |
42 | 2.86 | KAMANDI ARCHIVES VOL 1 HC | $49.99 | DC | 1,887 | |
43 | 2.84 | PUNISHER MAX VOL 1 HC (MR) | $29.99 | MAR | 1,874 | |
44 | 2.76 | CBLDF SPX 2005 ANTHOLOGY | $12.95 | CBL | 1,821 | |
45 | 2.68 | BLOODY MARY TP (MR) | $19.99 | DC | 1,768 | |
46 | 2.61 | ONE PIECE VOL 8 GN | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,722 | |
47 | 2.55 | BLACK PANTHER WHO IS BLACK PANTHER HC | $21.99 | MAR | 1,683 | |
48 | 2.51 | V FOR VENDETTA TP | $19.99 | DC | 1,656 | |
49 | 2.5 | I LUV HALLOWEEN VOL 1 GN (Of 3) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,650 | |
50 | 2.46 | DISTRICT X VOL 2 UNDERGROUND TP | $19.99 | MAR | 1,623 | |
51 | 2.44 | COVENANT VOL 1 GN | $9.99 | IMA | 1,610 | |
52 | 2.39 | FORGOTTEN REALMS DARK ELF TRILOGY VOL 1 HOMELAND TP | $14.95 | DDP | 1,577 | |
53 | 2.33 | ROGUE FORGET ME NOT TP | $14.99 | MAR | 1,537 | |
54 | 2.33 | DRAGONBALL Z VOL 22 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,537 | |
55 | 2.31 | GAMBIT HATH NO FURY TP | $14.99 | MAR | 1,524 | |
56 | 2.25 | SNK VS CAPCOM VOL 2 SVC CHAOS TP | $13.95 | DR | 1,485 | |
57 | 2.22 | TRIGUN ANIME MANGA WOLFWOOD VOL 2 TP | $14.95 | DAR | 1,465 | |
58 | 2.2 | BIGFOOT TP | $19.99 | IDW | 1,452 | |
59 | 2.19 | JUSTICE LEAGUE UNTD JAM PACKED ACTION TP | $7.99 | DC | 1,445 | |
60 | 2.18 | SPIDER-GIRL VOL 4 TURNING POINT DIGEST TP | $7.99 | MAR | 1,438 | |
61 | 2.18 | TENJHO TENGE VOL 3 | $9.99 | DC | 1,438 | |
62 | 2.18 | COYOTE VOL 1 TP | $14.99 | IMA | 1,438 | |
63 | 2.17 | FUSHIGI YUGI VOL 16 GN | $9.95 | VIZ | 1,432 | |
64 | 2.14 | RG VEDA VOL 3 GN (Of 10) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,412 | |
65 | 2.1 | ZOMBIEWORLD WINTERS DREGS & OTHER STORIES TP | $24.95 | DAR | 1,386 | |
66 | 2.07 | FRANK MILLER SIN CITY VOL 3 BIG FAT KILL 2ND TP (MR) | $17.00 | DAR | 1,366 | |
67 | 2.01 | BLACK FOREST VOL 2 CASTLE O/SHADOWS GN | $6.99 | IMA | 1,326 | |
68 | 2.01 | MARVEL MASTERWORKS DOCTOR STRANGE VOL 2 HC NEW ED | $49.99 | MAR | 1,326 | |
69 | 1.99 | FRANK MILLER SIN CITY VOL 2 DAME TO KILL FOR 2ND TP (MR) | $17.00 | DAR | 1,313 | |
70 | 1.98 | BATMAN HUSH VOL 2 TP | $12.99 | DC | 1,306 | |
71 | 1.92 | MAHOROMATIC AUTOMATIC MAIDEN VOL 7 GN (Of 8) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,267 | |
72 | 1.92 | FABLES VOL 5 MEAN SEASONS TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 1,267 | |
73 | 1.91 | LULLABY WISDOM SEEKER VOL 1 TP | $9.99 | ALI | 1,260 | |
74 | 1.89 | SANDMAN VOL 1 PRELUDES & NOCTURNES TP | $19.95 | DC | 1,247 | |
75 | 1.89 | ANGEL SANCTUARY VOL 10 GN | $9.99 | VIZ | 1,247 | |
76 | 1.87 | MARVEL MASTERWORKS DOCTOR STRANGE VOL 2 HC VAR ED | $54.99 | MAR | 1,234 | |
77 | 1.87 | MARVEL MASTERWORKS CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL 1 HC NEW ED | $49.99 | MAR | 1,234 | |
78 | 1.87 | FRANK MILLER SIN CITY VOL 5 FAMILY VALUES 2ND TP (MR) | $12.00 | DAR | 1,234 | |
79 | 1.86 | GRENDEL RED WHITE & BLACK TP | $19.95 | DAR | 1,227 | |
80 | 1.84 | HIKARU NO GO VOL 5 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,214 | |
81 | 1.82 | MALLRATS TP | $14.95 | GRA | 1,201 | |
82 | 1.8 | WALKING DEAD VOL 1 DAYS GONE BYE TP (MR) | $9.95 | IMA | 1,188 | |
83 | 1.78 | DEATH NOTE VOL 1 TP | $7.99 | VIZ | 1,175 | |
84 | 1.77 | RAVE MASTER VOL 17 GN (Of 32) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,168 | |
85 | 1.77 | MARVEL MASTERWORKS CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL 1 HC VAR ED | $54.99 | MAR | 1,168 | |
86 | 1.77 | ULTIMATES VOL 2 HOMELAND SECURITY TP | $17.99 | MAR | 1,168 | |
87 | 1.74 | Y THE LAST MAN VOL 5 RING O/TRUTH TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 1,148 | |
88 | 1.69 | BATMAN HUSH VOL 1 TP | $12.95 | DC | 1,115 | |
89 | 1.68 | WALKING DEAD VOL 3 SAFETY BEHIND BARS TP (MR) | $12.95 | IMA | 1,109 | |
90 | 1.67 | ULTIMATES 2 VOL 1 GODS & MONSTERS TP | $15.99 | MAR | 1,102 | |
91 | 1.66 | YU GI OH DUELIST VOL 9 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,095 | |
92 | 1.63 | MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER VOL 1 GN | $6.95 | PUB | 1,076 | |
93 | 1.62 | BATMAN LONG HALLOWEEN TP | $19.95 | DC | 1,069 | |
94 | 1.6 | WALKING DEAD VOL 2 MILES BEHIND US TP (MR) | $12.95 | IMA | 1,056 | |
95 | 1.6 | WATCHMEN TP | $19.99 | DC | 1,056 | |
96 | 1.59 | FULL MOON FEVER GN | $12.95 | AIT | 1,049 | |
97 | 1.57 | REMOTE VOL 7 GN (Of 10) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,036 | |
98 | 1.53 | WALLFLOWER VOL 5 GN (MR) | $10.95 | RAN | 1,010 | |
99 | 1.53 | YU YU HAKUSHO VOL 8 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,010 | |
100 | 1.53 | CHIKYU MISAKI VOL 1 | $9.99 | DC | 1,010 |
Sales Estimates for September Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
Posted by ICv2 on October 24, 2005 @ 11:00 pm CT

These are estimates of the sales by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during September 2005.
For an overview and analysis of comic sales in September, see 'All Star Batman & Robin Tops Again.'
For an analysis of the dollar trends in September, see 'Comic Sales Down in September.'
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books scheduled to ship during September, see 'Top 300 Comics Actual--September 2005.'
Notes on this chart:
Some titles have been truncated or abbreviated for space reasons. Publisher abbreviations have also been used:
MAR = Marvel Comics
DC = DC Comics
DAR = Dark Horse Comics
IMA = Image Comics
ABS = Abstract Studio
ADV = A.D. Vision
ALI = Alias Enterprises LLC
ANT = Antarctic Press
ARC = Archie Comic Publications
ASP = Apen MLT Inc.
AVA = Avatar Press
BON = Bongo Comics
CAR = Cartoon Books
DEV = Devil's Due Publishing
DYN = Dynamite Entertainment
FAN = Fantagraphics Books
GEM = Gemstone Publishing
IDW = IDW Publishing
MIR = Mirage Studios
ONI = Oni Press Inc.
SLG = Slave Labor Graphics
TIT = Titan Publishing
TKP = Tokyopop
VIZ = Viz Media
We are estimating actual sales by Diamond U.S. (primarily to North American comic stores), using Diamond's published sales indexes and publisher sales data to estimate a sales number for Batman (the anchor title Diamond uses in its calculations), and using that number and the indexes to estimate Diamond's sales on the remaining titles. We can check the accuracy of our numbers by comparing the Batman number that we calculate using multiple data points; our numbers for Batman are within 1/10 of 1% of each other, ensuring a high degree of accuracy. They do not include sales made by Diamond UK, orders on these titles placed after the end of September, or copies purchased by Diamond but held in inventory at the end of September.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Devil's Due, Avatar, Aspen Studios and Gemstone distribute 100% of their comic store orders through Diamond. Some other publishers distribute directly to stores or through other distributors and as a result this analysis may underestimate their sales.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, and Archie distribute some of their titles through channels other than comic specialty stores, e.g., newsstands and bookstores. These quantity estimates do not reflect distribution through those channels.
Most of the titles on this chart are also distributed to Europe by Diamond UK, which can account for significant sales for the publisher, ranging from 3-20% of the US numbers. Sales by Diamond UK are not included in the numbers above.
One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers. That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.
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