Diamond sold almost 202,000 copies of Infinite Crisis #5 to comic stores in March, around an 11% increase over its sales of #4. The title is a true juggernaut, taking the #1 slot in every month it's shipped. Although some of the difference in quantity between #4 and #5 may have been the times of the month they shipped (#4 shipped January 18th and #5 shipped March 1st, giving #5 two more weeks to sell reorders), the title certainly isn't losing any steam and may be picking up strength.
Over-all, it was a strong month for comic circulations, with 11 titles up and 9 down in the top 25 vs. the previous issues.
DC and Marvel were about the same as last month at the top of the chart, with 16 Marvels out of the top 25, and 9 DCs.
V for Vendetta topped the graphic novel list, with over 7,100 sold the month the movie premiered in
The top 25 comic titles in March, with our estimates of the number sold to North American comic stores by Diamond Comic Distributors, are:
201,855 Infinite Crisis #5
121,098 New Avengers #17
110,585 All Star Superman #3
107,912 New Avengers Illuminati
101,315 Superman/Batman #24
94,900 Ultimates 2 #10
89,874 Amazing Spider-Man #530
79,745 Green Lantern #10
79,389 Uncanny X-Men #479
78,740 Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006
78,286 Uncanny X-Men #471
78,000 X-Men #184
75,773 Ultimate Extinction #3
75,557 Wolverine #40
74,684 X-Men: Deadly Genesis #5
74,028 Ultimate Spider-Man #91
73,407 Ms. Marvel #1
72,765 Ultimate X-Men #68
72,269 Ultimate Spider-Man #92
69,805 Batman #651
69,679 Squadron Supreme #1
67,480 Ultimate Fantastic Four #28
67,208 Teen Titans #33
65,966 Batman Annual #25
65,603 Superman #650
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels scheduled to ship during March, see 'Top 100 Graphic Novels Actual--March 2006.'
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books scheduled to ship during February, see 'Top 300 Comics Actual--February 2006.'
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels scheduled to ship during February, see 'Top 100 Graphic Novels Actual--February 2006.'
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through March 2006, see 'ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 100 GNs Index.'