QtyRank | Index | Title | Price | Pub | Est.Qty | |
1 | 11.48 | MARVEL ZOMBIES HC | $19.99 | MAR | 11,019 | |
2 | 8.82 | FAMILY GUY VOL 2 GN (Of 3) | $6.95 | DDP | 8,466 | |
3 | 8.07 | IDENTITY CRISIS TP | $14.99 | DC | 7,746 | |
4 | 7.34 | ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VOL 16 DEADPOOL TP | $19.99 | MAR | 7,045 | |
5 | 6.88 | ULTIMATE GALACTUS BOOK 3 EXTINCTION TP | $12.99 | MAR | 6,604 | |
6 | 6.12 | STAR WARS CLONE WARS ADVS VOL 6 TP | $6.95 | DAR | 5,874 | |
7 | 6.06 | SHOWCASE PRESENTS BATMAN VOL 1 TP | $16.99 | DC | 5,817 | |
8 | 5.79 | ABSOLUTE KINGDOM COME ED HC | $75.00 | DC | 5,557 | |
9 | 5.75 | NARUTO VOL 11 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 5,519 | |
10 | 5.42 | HALO GRAPHIC NOVEL HC (MR) | $24.99 | MAR | 5,202 | |
11 | 5.34 | JUSTICE SOCIETY VOL 1 TP | $14.99 | DC | 5,125 | |
12 | 4.29 | BATMAN & MONSTER MEN TP | $14.99 | DC | 4,118 | |
13 | 4.22 | DECIMATION SON O/M TP | $13.99 | MAR | 4,050 | |
14 | 4.06 | PENNY ARCADE VOL 2 LEGENDS MAGIC SWORD TP | $12.95 | DAR | 3,897 | |
15 | 4.04 | DNANGEL VOL 11 GN (Of 11) | $9.99 | TKP | 3,878 | |
16 | 3.81 | ABSOLUTE DARK KNIGHT HC | $99.99 | DC | 3,657 | |
17 | 3.78 | EXTERMINATORS BUG BROTHERS TP (MR) | $9.99 | DC | 3,628 | |
18 | 3.66 | SPIDER-MAN KRAVENS LAST HUNT PREM HC* | $19.99 | MAR | 3,513 | |
19 | 3.61 | FORGOTTEN REALMS DARK ELF TRILOGY VOL 3 SOJOURN TP | $14.95 | DDP | 3,465 | |
20 | 3.49 | DECIMATION 198 TP | $15.99 | MAR | 3,350 | |
21 | 3.41 | STAR TREK MANGA GN | $9.99 | TKP | 3,273 | |
22 | 3.4 | BLEACH VOL 14 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 3,263 | |
23 | 3.33 | HELLBLAZER STATIONS O/T CROSS TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 3,196 | |
24 | 3.2 | PROMETHEA BOOK FIVE TP | $14.99 | DC | 3,071 | |
25 | 3.12 | GREEN LANTERN GREATEST STORIES EVER TOLD TP | $19.99 | DC | 2,995 | |
26 | 3.09 | ESSENTIAL LUKE CAGE POWER MAN VOL 2 TP | $16.99 | MAR | 2,966 | |
27 | 3.06 | LOST GIRLS DLX SLIPCASED ED | $75.00 | TOP | 2,937 | |
28 | 3.05 | DEATH NOTE VOL 7 TP | $7.99 | VIZ | 2,927 | |
29 | 3.02 | NEXTWAVE AGENTS O/HATE VOL 1 THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT PREM HC | $19.99 | MAR | 2,899 | |
30 | 2.97 | NEW X-MEN CHILDHOODS END VOL 2 TP | $10.99 | MAR | 2,851 | |
31 | 2.87 | PATH O/T ASSASSIN VOL 2 TP (MR) | $9.95 | DAR | 2,755 | |
32 | 2.77 | FRUITS BASKET VOL 14 GN (Of 19) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,659 | |
33 | 2.74 | SENTRY REBORN TP | $21.99 | MAR | 2,630 | |
34 | 2.73 | BONE ONE VOL ED SC | $39.95 | CAR | 2,620 | |
35 | 2.67 | DONALD DUCK ADVS VOL 19 TP | $7.95 | GEM | 2,563 | |
36 | 2.58 | AUTHORITY LOBO HOLIDAY HELL TP (MR) | $17.99 | DC | 2,476 | |
37 | 2.58 | DEVIL MAY CRY 3 VOL 2 GN (Of 2) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,476 | |
38 | 2.57 | RANMA 1/2 VOL 35 TP | $9.99 | VIZ | 2,467 | |
39 | 2.54 | GREEN ARROW HEADING INTO LIGHT TP | $12.99 | DC | 2,438 | |
40 | 2.5 | RETURN TO LABYRINTH VOL 1 GN (Of 3) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,400 | |
41 | 2.49 | SPIDER-WOMAN ORIGIN PREM HC | $19.99 | MAR | 2,390 | |
42 | 2.48 | REVELATIONS TP | $17.95 | DAR | 2,380 | |
43 | 2.47 | BATTLE VIXENS VOL 9 GN (Of 10) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 2,371 | |
44 | 2.46 | X-FACTOR LONGEST NIGHT PREM HC | $19.99 | MAR | 2,361 | |
45 | 2.46 | V FOR VENDETTA TP | $19.99 | DC | 2,361 | |
46 | 2.46 | WOMEN O/MARVEL TP | $24.99 | MAR | 2,361 | |
47 | 2.43 | TSUBASA VOL 10 GN (Of 10) | $10.95 | RAN | 2,332 | |
48 | 2.4 | CABLE DEADPOOL VOL 5 LIVING LEGENDS TP | $13.99 | MAR | 2,304 | |
49 | 2.39 | ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL 6 HC | $29.99 | MAR | 2,294 | |
50 | 2.37 | DECIMATION SENTINEL SQUAD ONE TP | $13.99 | MAR | 2,275 | |
51 | 2.33 | THING IDOL O/MILLIONS TP | $20.99 | MAR | 2,236 | |
52 | 2.31 | MICKEY MOUSE ADVS VOL 11 TP | $7.95 | GEM | 2,217 | |
53 | 2.3 | ROBIN DAYS O/FIRE & MADNESS | $12.99 | DC | 2,208 | |
54 | 2.26 | SPIDER-MAN VISIONARIES KURT BUSIEK VOL 1 TP | $19.99 | MAR | 2,169 | |
55 | 2.22 | STRANGERS I/PARADISE VOL 18 LOVE & LIES TP | $14.95 | ABS | 2,131 | |
56 | 2.14 | GIRL GENIUS VOL 5 TP | $19.95 | STU | 2,054 | |
57 | 2.12 | IRON MAN INEVITABLE TP | $14.99 | MAR | 2,035 | |
58 | 2.11 | X-STATIX PRESENTS DEAD GIRL TP | $13.99 | MAR | 2,025 | |
59 | 2.11 | YOSHITAKA AMANO HERO VOL 1 PX HC | $19.99 | BOO | 2,025 | |
60 | 2.07 | WILL EISNERS SPIRIT ARCHIVES VOL 19 HC | $49.99 | DC | 1,987 | |
61 | 2.04 | WATCHMEN TP | $19.99 | DC | 1,958 | |
62 | 1.89 | ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL 6 RETURN O/T KING TP | $16.99 | MAR | 1,814 | |
63 | 1.89 | FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST VOL 9 TP | $9.99 | VIZ | 1,814 | |
64 | 1.87 | TEEN TITANS GO VOL 5 O/T MOVE TP | $6.99 | DC | 1,795 | |
65 | 1.84 | BOOK O/LOST SOULS TP | $16.99 | MAR | 1,766 | |
66 | 1.82 | STAR WARS DARK EMPIRE II TP 2ND ED | $19.95 | DAR | 1,747 | |
67 | 1.8 | WALKING DEAD VOL 1 DAYS GONE BYE TP (MR) | $9.95 | IMA | 1,728 | |
68 | 1.8 | ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL 9 TEMPEST TP | $10.99 | MAR | 1,728 | |
69 | 1.79 | GRENADIER VOL 1 GN (Of 7) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,718 | |
71 | 1.75 | KINGDOM HEARTS VOL 4 GN (Of 4) | $5.99 | TKP | 1,680 | |
72 | 1.75 | CHIBI VAMPIRE VOL 2 GN (Of 7) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,680 | |
73 | 1.73 | WIZARD MARK SILVESTRI MILLENNIUM LTD DLX HC | $29.99 | WIZ | 1,660 | |
74 | 1.71 | FABLES VOL 7 ARABIAN NIGHTS & DAYS TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 1,641 | |
75 | 1.68 | YU GI OH DUELIST VOL 16 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,612 | |
76 | 1.67 | CONCRETE VOL 6 STRANGER ARMOR TP | $12.95 | DAR | 1,603 | |
77 | 1.65 | KICKBACK HC | $12.95 | DAR | 1,584 | |
78 | 1.64 | LITTLE LULU COLOR SP TP | $13.95 | DAR | 1,574 | |
79 | 1.64 | Y THE LAST MAN VOL 1 UNMANNED TP | $12.99 | DC | 1,574 | |
80 | 1.63 | SUPERMAN BATMAN VOL 2 SUPERGIRL TP | $12.99 | DC | 1,565 | |
81 | 1.63 | TENJHO TENGE VOL 9 | $9.99 | DC | 1,565 | |
82 | 1.61 | BECAUSE IM THE GODDESS VOL 1 GN (Of 3) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,545 | |
83 | 1.6 | PLASTIC MAN ARCHIVES VOL 8 HC | $49.99 | DC | 1,536 | |
84 | 1.6 | LITTLE LULU VOL 11 APRIL FOOLS TP | $9.95 | DAR | 1,536 | |
85 | 1.6 | BLEACH VOL 15 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,536 | |
86 | 1.53 | SUIKODEN III VOL 10 GN (Of 11) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,469 | |
87 | 1.53 | BEST O/CURSE O/T SPAWN TP | $16.99 | IMA | 1,469 | |
88 | 1.52 | FALLEN ANGEL IDW VOL 1 TP | $19.99 | IDW | 1,459 | |
89 | 1.51 | YU GI OH MILLENNIUM WORLD VOL 4 TP | $7.95 | VIZ | 1,449 | |
90 | 1.5 | FAMILY GUY VOL 1 GN (Of 3) | $6.95 | DDP | 1,440 | |
91 | 1.5 | LULLABY VOL 2 POWER GRABBER TP | $14.99 | ALI | 1,440 | |
92 | 1.49 | SPIDER-GIRL PRESENTS AVENGERS NEXT VOL 1 DIGEST TP | $7.99 | MAR | 1,430 | |
93 | 1.49 | ABSOLUTE BOYFRIEND VOL 2 GN | $8.99 | VIZ | 1,430 | |
94 | 1.46 | PHANTOM LAW O/T JUNGLE GN | $11.99 | MOO | 1,401 | |
95 | 1.42 | Y THE LAST MAN VOL 7 PAPER DOLLS TP (MR) | $14.99 | DC | 1,363 | |
96 | 1.41 | GIRLS BRAVO VOL 5 GN (Of 10) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,353 | |
97 | 1.38 | MARVEL MASTERWORKS INVINCIBLE IRON MAN VOL 3 HC VAR ED 65 | $54.99 | MAR | 1,325 | |
98 | 1.36 | REX MUNDI VOL 3 LOST KINGS TP | $16.95 | DAR | 1,305 | |
99 | 1.35 | WANTED SC (MR) | $19.99 | IMA | 1,296 | |
100 | 1.35 | GERARD & JACQUES VOL 1 GN (Of 2) (MR) | $9.99 | TKP | 1,296 |
Sales Estimates for August Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
Posted by ICv2 on September 19, 2006 @ 11:00 pm CT

These are estimates of the sales by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during August 2006.
For an overview and analysis of comic sales in August, see 'Meltzer's 'JLA' Tops 200k.'
For an analysis of the dollar trends in August, see 'Graphic Novels Pace Growth.'
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books scheduled to ship during August, see 'Top 300 Comics Actual--August 2006.'
Notes on this chart:
Some titles have been truncated or abbreviated for space reasons. Publisher abbreviations have also been used:
MAR = Marvel Comics
DC = DC Comics
DAR = Dark Horse Comics
IMA = Image Comics
ABS = Abstract Studio
ADV = A.D. Vision
ALI = Alias Enterprises LLC
ANT = Antarctic Press
ARC = Archie Comic Publications
ASP = Apen MLT Inc.
AVA = Avatar Press
BON = Bongo Comics
CAR = Cartoon Books
DEV = Devil's Due Publishing
DYN = Dynamite Entertainment
FAN = Fantagraphics Books
GEM = Gemstone Publishing
IDW = IDW Publishing
MIR = Mirage Studios
ONI = Oni Press Inc.
SLG = Slave Labor Graphics
TIT = Titan Publishing
TKP = Tokyopop
VIZ = Viz Media
We are estimating actual sales by Diamond U.S. (primarily to North American comic stores), using Diamond's published sales indexes and publisher sales data to estimate a sales number for Batman (the anchor title Diamond uses in its calculations), and using that number and the indexes to estimate Diamond's sales on the remaining titles. We can check the accuracy of our numbers by comparing the Batman number that we calculate using multiple data points; our numbers for Batman are within 1/10 of 1% of each other, ensuring a high degree of accuracy. They do not include sales made by Diamond UK, orders on these titles placed after the end of August, or copies purchased by Diamond but held in inventory at the end of August. This information may not be reproduced in any format without also crediting Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, IDW, Devil's Due, Avatar, Aspen Studios and Gemstone distribute 100% of their comic store orders through Diamond. Some other publishers distribute directly to stores or through other distributors and as a result this analysis may underestimate their sales.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, and Archie distribute some of their titles through channels other than comic specialty stores, e.g., newsstands and bookstores. These quantity estimates do not reflect distribution through those channels.
Most of the titles on this chart are also distributed to Europe by Diamond UK, which can account for significant sales for the publisher, ranging from 3-20% of the US numbers. Sales by Diamond UK are not included in the numbers above.
One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers. That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.
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