NECA has revealed images of its four Series I Action Figures based on Zack Snyder's film of Frank Miller's 300 graphic novel, which is published by Dark Horse. Produced by Warner Bros., the 300 movie is now set to debut on March 9th and it has already created considerable buzz (see '300 Examined in N.Y. Times') and sold a lot of copies of Frank Miller's innovative graphic novel about the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.(see 'Sales of Frank Miller's 300 Soar').
While sales of the graphic novel as well as Dark Horse's 300: The Art of the Film (see 'Dark Horse Plans 300 Art Book') are most likely to provide retailers with the bulk of 300 movie-based revenues, NECA's 300 Action Figures, which are due out in April, could provide pop culture stores with another way to make money off of what certainly should be one of the most faithful adaptations of a graphic novel ever, and what easily could be one of the surprise movie hits of Q1 2007.
NECA's 300 Series I Action Figures include King Leonidas of
Fans will have to wait for Series II to acquire the figure of the Persian King Xerxes played by Rodrigo Santoro.
While the 300 movie was shot in the studio in front of a green screen, the actors went through a hellish period of training and were in top physical condition -- and these 'buff' qualities are quite evident in the washboard abs of NECA's Leonidas figure.