Remember the days when you would be eating a bowl of cereal and suddenly bite down on a tiny plastic submarine. Well General Mills is bringing back the trinkets to its leading kid-friendly cereal brands, but this time the specially marked boxes of Lucky Charms, Trix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams, and Honey Nut Cheerios will come with a special Justice League Big G comic book from DC Comics.
There are four different Justice League comic books, which have titles like “Unstoppable Forces” and “Breakout,” in the program. According to The New York Times, the 24-page Big G comics carry no ads, except for one page mentioning that the comics “are brought to you by Big G cereals.” At 5 inches by 7 inches the cereal box comics are smaller than their comic shop counterparts—and in a nod to the Internet age, the story in each of the books continues online.
The comics will be available in “specially marked boxes” of the popular cereal brands. General Mills plans to advertise the comic book promotion on the radio and with newspaper ads and coupon.
This program certainly appears to be an excellent outreach effort that will get actual paper comics in the hands of millions of kids in a way that should promote both literacy and comic books.